Ominous – the new name in fashion, built for those who don't submit to trends, for those who stand in advance of the mainstream.

Years in the making, Ominous speaks to those who are built differently, who have the insight to recognise a deeper, more intriguing, unique way to style.

Luxury quality always. Inspiring designs, born to outcompete even the toughest competition. Pieces worth their weight in gold and worth waiting for.

You are a part of that history, having the insight to be there at the start…


Your Orders

Orders are individually processed, the moment you hit confirm, wheels start to move to get your items to you. We'll keep you updated with your expected delivery date.


The Service

Exceptional quality pieces, eminently wearable yet effortlessly different.

All garments are inspected by hand for quality control you won't find anywhere else. It takes a little longer, and you'll have to wait a few days, but you deserve the best, and we won't compromise on quality.


Worth waiting for.


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